Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Uliza Kiatu by Hart The Band

 I know its late to review this song,but it has been in my head and i just had to do it.
The Song has me humming all night and day and i just knew you would love if i did a on it.
Uliza Kiatu by Hart the band,is a great song,beautifully done,great and unique vocals,some unique rapping i should say? but the video?so wanting.
Any way,i will understand because its one of  your first videos, maybe the next will be up to standards.
Enjoy the song here,and if the video bothers you like it does me,Just close your eyes and enjoy the song!!
Watch it here

Nonini and Wyre in a Collabo.

Nonini and Wyre have done a  collabo, and i wont talk much about the song, but i love the video, its Magical.
So much was put in this video, it looks unique.
Watch it here
The mix of Genge and Dance hall has made the song unique, and i like that they are talking about music history and their love for it.
i will not give so much history to the two because this guys are pioneers and legends in music,all i will say is that's a great hit Guys!!I loved it.
The fact that this great song was inspired by a great old coastal classic especially the chorus,makes me smile.Listen to the chorus of mbele,then have a listen to the song Hinde,a giriama hit on this link i say its a great adaptation by great musicians...Much appreciation to Agwatta for the link to the coastal classic.

By the way Wyre, you have been a great musician, just wondering why all this experiments? from nonini,to Kanda Bongoman, if you feel that you no longer have content,just relax and go missing,then come back in a few years we will have missed and by then am sure,you will have so many new hits ready for release,try ask Ali Kiba for advice, he did that and it turned out fine.
You are spoiling a career that took you years to build.
I know this song will receive air play not because its so good,but because of the names of this two musicians,but truth be said,its not such a great hit,to me it was a miss,not a hit!!

Monday, October 27, 2014

Iyanya sings swahili in Sura Yako Remix

Last week Sauti sol won Best act in africa and as a result launched Sura Yako remix which they have featured Iyanya.
What i love best about this remix is Iyanya singing Kiswahili, thats huge to me and makes me respect this boys,you know for once its not about the pidgin but its about our Swahili!!
Loved the video too,simple and fun,while iam enjoying the remix here we should continue voting so that Sauti sol would win the Best worl wide Act at the MTV EMA Awards Just click and vote
Keep voting guys!!!

Friday, October 24, 2014


The Remix King was set to release the video to his remake of SURA YAKO today.Sauti Sol stole his thunder by releasing their own featuring IYANYA so it seemed.
Hours into the day nothing was forthcoming from the KING.Had he deeloped cold feet?Hell no!!Not the king.As sure as hell this guy......this guy.......this guy.......before you agreee to let him do a remake of your tune,be very sure.
He means business.This vedeo is off the Chainz!!!!He told you to wait....you waited....ladies and gentlemen introducing NYABOKE by Agwatta Mfalme :-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rN4TrPkdK-w

Great new hit by Mwana FA featuring Ali Kiba!!

Eeeeih,Mwana Fa had to be the first to do a collabo with Ali Kiba after his come back and yeeeees,this song is Super,its just on another level.
The rap jells well with Kiba's vocals and need i say how Ali Kiba has a beautiful voice?
And Marco Chali,good beat,there's that unique beat on the back ground,superb,Loving this song more and more,i think i have listened to it a hundred time n i cant get enough!!
The new song is Kiboko Yangu and yeeeeey, am still listening to it.Listen to it here

For those who dont know,ali kiba did a come back a few months ago with two songs, Mwana and Kimasomaso and personally i lover Mwana, and from how the media has reacted to his comeback, Mwana has been received well.
As for Mwana FA whose real name is Hamis Mwinjuma, he is a legend with So many songs i love like:-Mfalme which is sort of religious
Yalaiti Watch it here which to me still rocks.
And many many more, Something i have learnt or noticed about Mwana Fa is the fact that he loves collabos especially with AY.
Ali Kiba.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

YP Of TMK Wanaume Family Passes away!!

The late YP
I woke up to sad news of YP's death and after a very long weekend, after celebrating all this shujaas, i feel sad.I personally liked the guy,he might not be known to the young generation,but to some of us who have been around a little longer.....YP was good.
He was a member of the TMK Family, you know the group for its songs right?let me jog your memories...remember a song Dar mpaka moro?Watch it here
Other songs done by this group where YP belonged are like:-

TMK Wanaume Family
Actually this group apart from its good music,was loved because of its unique dancing styles.
The group has people like Chege and Temba.
May YP's soul Rest In Peace he is said to have died after a long fight with chest infections.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Hidaya by Susumila.

For a coast musician to hit it big in Kenya, should be working really hard, and Susumila is one Coastal musician who has worked so hard and his work is seen to be baring fruits.
Just recently Susumila released a video to the song Hidaya, a song that has been hitting for months now.
Personally,i love the video, the coast setting and culture,just very beautiful.
Watch the song here
I have a bone to chew with Susumila,the song was a hit,yes,please,why not do a video that would wow me as a fan?that video to the song Hidaya is just disapointing.I would not watch it twice,i would rather listen to the song while closing my eyes!!
Susumila is a musician who i can say has worked hard to put the Coastal music on the international chat,i know for sure coastal musician have lots to say about the media not giving them enough publicity and some are trying hard to break the norm susumila,chikuzee,Nyota ndogo,Akothee,sudi boy,cannibal etc having been able to break into the scene.

In this song,Susumila has collaborated with Chikuzee, and the song is danceable,it has made number one on several chats in Kenya.
I have noticed on the video several other coastal musicians and celebrities showing that they are united, this is the unity that will make coastal music hit,problem is this musicians are not very active on social media,like i saw today that susumila launched his new video at tribeka yesterday through willy m tuva's facebook page,susumila is a friend of mine on facebook but i have not seen him notify his fans nor make noise about the release of his video and this brings me to a question,how well are our artists using the social media?
Chikuzee-Featured severally by Susumila

Away from that, susumila also released another song that has done so well on the chats, a song that i fell in love with.Watch the song here:-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Daj2wha2Fvs the song Ngoma itambae which again,he featured Chikuzee.
If you do not know Susumila, he is a musician who has been in the music industry for years....He has done a song for elections, the song that i am sure brought him so much fame,watch the song here:-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCYEK_X_J-Y
I am happy for Susumila, am proud of him and all i can say Susumila, keep up the hard word, as he says it,Mishemishe Babu!!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Agwatta Massacres Sauti Sol!!

Agwatta-Nyaboke hit maker.
Remember a few weeks ago i reviewed a song Nyaboke done by Agwatta?read my review Here
the song has now become a hit and so many blogs have written about the song which is a remix to Sura Yako which was originally done by Sauti sol.
Its reported that Sauti Sol is right now regretting ever giving Agwatta the go ahead to remake the Sura Yako song which Agwatta has redone in kisii and has created a buzz almost taking over fame from the original song.Listen to Sura Yako by sauti sol
Listen to Nyaboke Here

Who dares the King!!! Who dares Agwatta!!! Sauti Sol tried; deep down they are reported to be regretting that one simple mistake.
Daring the remix King Agwatta to redo their monster hit Sura Yako. They didn’t expect much from the king. BIG MISTAKE,This man flourishes and thrives in remaking hits out of hits.
But what is making Sauti Sol more worried is not the song actually. Not at all.
IT’S THE VIDEO! Leaked clips of the video shoot indicate an out of this world video is about to hit our screens. And Sauti Sol know that.
Simple Mistake they did….Simple calculation by the King……massive harvest in the Kingdom.
Keep it here and be the first to see the Nyaboke video done by the King of remix himself....Agwatta.
Sauti Sol.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Wale wale Video by Jose Chameleone is out!!

Wale wale video by Jose Chameleone is out and i am loving the activities in the video,the Dancing,the maasai's and everything African is beautiful.
The Drone camera used in the video is well done and am impressed, the song plus video are legendaty just like The name Chameleone is.Watch video here:-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNThM5A0IVI
The trumpet at the beggining of the song,inavutia sana,i have a feeling the song was shot in Kenya???
By the way, i love the look of Chameleone in this song,the long hair looks good on him.

Pitson Of Lingala ya Yesu Back with Kilele!!

Pitson wa lingala ya yesu just released a song Kilele and it will not hit like Lingala ya yesu did,but hey,its another good song with an immaculate Video watch it here:-
Personally i would rather listen to Lingala ya yesu,but i guess a guy has to continue singing new songs to remain relevant.
The song is very relevant,great message too.
Pitson did a hit song Lingala ya Yesu that gave him awards,the song is still a hit and its a song that brought the guy to the limelight.
Personally i came to love Pitson in a song he did with Mwenye haki called Wanajua watch video here:-
the song Kilele will deffinitely hit,not because its amazing,but because its sort of mandatory for this gospel DJ's to play songs by their own!!
Have you noticed the unity in the Gospel industry?yes....they are practicing love which is the most important commandment to Christians!!

Ruth Matete Back with yamenogea....Lovely!!

If there is a time i agreed with Tusker Project Fame, its in season 5 where Ruth Matete was crowned the winner.
Problem is when you are a winner with TPF its like you are on a curse to never make it big in the music industry.Look at David Ntaare, havent heard of him since he won,Esther Mugizi from Uganda,anyone heard of her since she won?any one heard of Hope since took away the price?
With Ruth Matete it also happened,she went all quiet until romour had it that she was broke.
Any way,i think Ruth has managed to beat the jinx and she is now doing good in the Gospel industry.

Four months ago,she released a song Nakupenda which has done very well in the Kenyan charts.Here is the video to the song Nakupenda:-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiKKab2Okks
Recently, she released another gospel song called Yamenogea.and i feel the song,actually as a girl,i relate to the song.Here is the song:-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeetvld1cgc
Way to go Ruth Matete,keep singing and shame the haters!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Rabbit aka Kaka Sungura finding God in his new track??!!

Wooow,Rabbit, he just did a new song and he is talking to God in the only way he knows best.
The narration is good, and it seems its coming from deep deep down his heart,this is a song that will make a sinner repent,actually,its putting me in a mood for repentance.
Now i can not say He has turned to gospel,but i know every one has his own moments with God and in this song,Rabbit was having his own momwnt right there,i guess he opted to Narrate it out.
The girl Kanan....Excellent vocals,her voice is beautiful,am waiting to watch this videos on different gospel tv shows eg Kubamba, crossover,Angaza,tukuza and also on radio.
Actually, this song just made my day end inspired,Good job Rabbit.
My favorite line:-Fake friends na kivuli wana tabia moja hao hutokea saa zile jua yangu imechomoka!!...
Rabbit is just on his own league,amazing talent and song is touching.
Have a feel of the song here:-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtpPSugtX8A&sns=tw