Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Meet Kazungu Mwinyi,Presenter KBC RadioTaifa....

Today i write about a friend,One who has shown me the meaning of Resilience and Hardwork, You are wondering who i am talking about?Mwinyi Kazungu aka Mtetezi.
When i first heard him on Radio,it was NEVER in my dreams that i would meet him,Kumbe fate had it that we will one day share a joke or two and in April 2010,I joined KBC and i got to meet So many people i had just dreamt of,Lenard Mambo Mbotela,Ali Salim Mmanga,Khadija Ali,Salome Galgalo,Martin King'asia,Asha Juma,Caro Robi,Bonnie Musambi,Lore Loorio,Omuga Kabisae,Aunty Sophie ,Mwalimu JOJ,Anne Njogu, Jeff Mwangemi, Isack Lemoka,Abwao aka Agwatta and Of cz my best Friend Lourdes Walusala and Many others.
Then The show Ketau Express was done by Caro Robi and Mwinyi Kazungu,It got to a place where Lourdes and I became producers of the show,Made me love Young hype African music more.
While at this,I got to know how Robi and Kazungu loved This music,especially Kenyan music,how they believed in Local talent,They set the trend for sure.Then Robi went,And Kazungu remained,and amidst change of shows from names,to timings ie from mid morning to afternoon and back to midmorning,He kept at it with a smile,The interviews with artist,The several ideas he floated that he was not able to implement and we saw other media houses implement,He never for once threw up his hands and say,Walahi nimechoka,Noooo,Kazungu came up with another one,And another one,Idea after an idea,even when he had to hold a show for someone after his,he would do it and come the next day sooo fresh and ready to represent the youth.
So today,I celebrate Mwinyi Kazungu,his show is Top Mashariki running from 10 am to 12 pm exclusive miziki ya kizazi kipya from The East African Countries On KBC Radio Taifa.
Its six years since i got to know Kazungu,And to date,He remains passionate about his job.
Kazungu does a show On the same content on KBC Channel 1 too,Every Friday from 10pm......Make a date and watch him,Get to see this passionate Coastal guy (Wakwehu)
Mtetezi dear friend,Kudos my dear,Keep up the passion,You and Caroline Mramba aka Mtoto Mzuri are doing a great job,I am so Proud of you guys.

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