Friday, December 19, 2014

I keep Imagining a duo of Susumila and Chikuzee.....Massive!!

Now lately Susumila has been doing so well on the air waves because of his songs Hidaya and Ngoma Itambae which he has featured another coast star Chikuzee in both songs.
I  want you to please reason with me,if in this songs Chikuzee was not featured would they have done so well? i beleive Chikuzee has a very huge role in making this hits what they are and am seeing good chemistry between the two,so lets assume that this two agreed to be a duo and do all their songs together am sure they will go far than they have.
Now this is not only a review, but maybe an advice to the two,why not merge up and show them Kenyans what you are capable of as a team?all they need is a serious management team and for Chikuzee to open up and stop hiding in coast and we havean award winning team.
I am sure the beginning will be tough, but after years, am sure they will look back and smile.

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