Thursday, April 16, 2015

Kalibatanya by Juliana,too Plain for me!!

Juliana has a priceless voice,if i say beautiful it will be an understatement, so let me stick on priceless, but i ask does she know how much her voice is epic? i say no......I might not be a Ugandan to understand the song but if you have been a juliana fan, you will just hit next on he new son Kalibatanya its typical Juliana, i would have preferred a new Juliana like when she sung the song Woman this song gave me a new Juliana and i thought this would be the trend.
Any way, Kalibatanya just like all of Julian's songs is beautiful, brings out the best in her voice.
So Juliana Darling, please surprise me next getting comfortable with your music, please shock me.

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