Friday, March 25, 2016

A Double kill for Wafuasi...... Sky is the limit for them!!!

KTN will be hosting the Taita Taveta heroes and heroines - Wafuasi's group director Granton Mwandawiro and Group founder James Mwasambo tomorrow today at 7pm to 8pm on Both their TV channels KTN and KTN News.
This is in honour of them Winning The Best Feature Movie of the year-Hidaya this will go in tandem with the home coming/Thanks giving party being held today, same time at Dan Mwazo Hall for the Wafuasi group. Aint that a double kill? So proud of being from this unique County.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Thinking Of What to do Over the Easter Hols,Easy.....Join Wafuasi in their Home Coming Party.......

I know Easter is Coming and most of us dont have plans yet,personally i did not have any until Wafuasi Group came up with a Brilliant Idea.
Remember Wafuasi the Group that Won The BEST FAETURE FILM AWARD-HIDAYA in the Riverwood Awards 2016 Edition Read More Here.
Now this group in conjunction with a committee meant to plan for their home coming/Thanks giving day have planned to have 3 Hours of nothing but sampling the best that they have to offer as the best movie group in Kenya and beyond.
Wondering when,Where and How?Here is a message from the Chairman Organising committee of Wafuasi Homecoming Celebration:-

Chairman organising committee (Contacts person 0726808079).
The Organising committee for WAFUASI Homecoming celebration, cordially invites the general Public to the GRAND HOMECOMING for our East Africa Award winning Heroes and Heroines, WAFUASI THEATRE GROUP, to take place on 25th March 2016 (Good Friday night)at DAN MWAZO SOCIAL HALL, VOI starting from 6pm-9pm. The group will show case its Awards and the award-winning movies HIDAYA(Riverwood Academy Awards 2016 edition) and KISU CHA NGARIBA (Coast Film Festival Awards 2015) live on big screen plus other entertainment activities from other Theatre Groups and artists in in the County.
VVIP 1000/=
VIP 500/=
Regular 100/=
Pay for your ticket and support through WAFUASI Till number: 261617
Come sample a mix of Talents all made in Taita Taveta.
Johnes Mwaruma 
Chairman organising committee (Contacts person 0726808079).

Friday, March 18, 2016

Un Conditionally Bae....Sauti Sol and Ali Kiba!!!

I Know guys who read my blog dont follow me on Facebook,and if they do,Most dont take my predictions or requests serious,I remember some time back i had requested a Collabo between Kiba and Sauti Sol, and Hey,i know its been long but my wish was granted,Right?I tweeted Kiba and Sauti sol and actually i got a retweet, not bragging though, But when i heard that their Collabo video was out,i felt some tinge of accomplishment.
Now,on Request by my Little sis Naisae Kipesha i had to do this review.

With all honesty, The song was not a disappointment, any way,what do you expect of two legends from two worlds, a great hit,right?
Seen the video yet? watch it Here, Amazing work, quality Video, and shot at my soo favorite Beach Hotel(to visit soon though).
The Audio for me is perfect,an anthem of sorts, beats Dance able,a weekend song i should say,That reminds me,Leo ni Furahi day.......time for #UnConditionallyBae
The vocals by Ali Kiba,Uuuuuuuwi, si the guy is gifted, somebody say Halleluya......literally,kijana ana Sauti!!!!!
Pardon me for this though,The song does bring a woow from me, as in, yes, al listen, then that's its. The lyrics too, Hazijanigusa vile......

Thursday, March 17, 2016

KBC's Zinga la Asubuhi MAESTRO Bonnoe Musambi and Angua FM Comedian Kidasi Cha Mbeo Scramble to have a Piece of East African Film Stars WAFUASI THEATRE GROUP.

"You are tearing us apart bwana! Who should we listen to yet we love you both at equal measures?  Next time mjipange! " Wafuasi Theatre Group fans decry.
By now you probably have heard about Kenyan new stars in Film industry, Wafuasi Theatre Group from Taita-Taveta County. If not, then you are a robot, or an alien or maybe you live in utopia! It's undoubtedly the talk of the nation in matters movie industry.
There's never been a group from the Coastal side that has attracted so much media attention than Wafuasi Theatre Group from County006. History has done justice on my factual findings to this moment I am realising this article!
The group is almost creating a beef between two fan-magnetic morning radio shows! One is national side and the other is a county based radio. You thought devolution rifts between national and County exist only in political circle? You are wrong! Entertainment is joining the league too. So KBC's ZINGA la asubuhi Maestro Bonnie Musambi is fighting for prime time with Anguo's Kidasi Chambeo for their fans in Taita Taveta County? Hahaha, interesting!
7am is the prime factor. Who will win the battle of magneting the Taita Taveta people? National vs County? I am really waiting for the response from the people.
Catch Wafuasi Theatre Group Director Granton Mwandawiro a.k.a Papaa a.k.a George Panya on ZINGA la ASUBUHI with Bonnie Musambi anywhere in Kenya and for those in the whole Coast region and Nairobi, catch up with Dokta Dambel their official Movie Director and Ali Mwandigha a.k.a Mr Tulu Mpango Mzima their Chairperson live in Anguo FM with Kidasi Chambeo and Mercy Mwazo at the same time. 7am be glued to any of the two.
I hate being split between the two, But hey, a gi

Wafuasi, Winners of Riverwood Award, start a Media Tour.

Now, this group, Amazing actors i must say from Taita Taveta County is receiving great recognition, Guess what, the media is now Clamouring for an interview with them in a bid to Show how far they have come.

Just recently they have been featured on various blogs including  and they have also featured on newspapers..... Now You want to hear their story, A story of resilience and hope that shows the far they have come? Join the East African Movie of the year Award winner;Wafuasi Theatre Group's director Mr. Granton Mwandawiro on KBC RADIO TAIFA tomorrow 18/3/2016 from 7:40am who will be interviwed by the great duo, Bonnie Musambi and Cynthia Anyango while at the same time Mr. Dokta Dambel one of my favorite MC's (Story for another day) and Queen K shall be on Anguo fm as from 7:15 am.

Now tell me, Aint this guys going far??  Wafuasi Group, Am shifting from being a fan to being a lifetime Member.... Proud of this people!!! Keep the Taita Taveta County flag high.

TATARECA Auditions Summarized With VOI Edition.

For a long time, Artists in Taita Taveta County have had a pipe dream of getting support from the County government for the to shine better.Their outcry was heard and the struggle is soon diminishing thanks to the department of Trade and Community affairs under the leadership of a hardworking woman Hon Florah Mtuweta.
Hon Florah Mtuweta,CEC Trade and Community Affairs and renowned Comedian Eric Omondi.
TATARECA-Taita taveta red carpet Awards, is a big platform for the artists from Taita Taveta County to show case their talents and at the same time earn a permanent livelihood through their talent.

It began as a Facebook idea through an open letter to the County Government by one Dokta Damble,and slowly,it was embraced into reality and now auditions in the four sub counties, Wundanyi,Taveta, mwatate and Voi have been concluded successfully.
A Dance group auditioning in Taveta Sub County.
Each sub county was to produce two of their finest quality artists in every category to compete on one stage,each category shall produce three winners who will have lucrative deals at the end of the event.

Joan, Who was a judge at the auditions.
The winners shall be given platforms on national medias for interviews and airplay which will market their products as well as other lucrative deals which shall be a great boost to persue their life time dreams.
The winners from Wundanyi Sub County pose for a photo with the TATARECA Auditions Crew.
The finals shall be on 8th of April at Dan Mwazo hall Voi to choose the winners then the Red Carpet Awards Ceremony shall be held the following day on 9thof April 2016 at the Moi Stadium, Voi.
One of the music legends Peter from Boomba Clan,Entertaining the audience.

Great entertainment and media personalities the likes of Eric Omondi,Johnson Mwakazi,Clemmo of Radio Maisha,Allan Wakori of Milele FM ,Mzazi Willy M Tuva and others who are yet to confirm will grace the occasion!!!!!

Apart from The County Governmet of Taita Taveta,Other sponsors are Anguo FM, Mwanedu FM and Sifa FM.
Some of the Sponsors of TATARECA.
Guess what,Entry is absolutely free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See you there.

Here is a pictorial of the auditions!!!
Taveta Auditions.

Wundanyi Auditions

A Group performimg a play for Auditions.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Why Deputy President Hon William Ruto CONGRATULATED WAFUASI Theatre Group!!!!

At first it seemed like a joker group, Negelected by many since the movie making journey began.As we speak, its not only the pride of Taita Taveta county but the pride of Kenya on the East African map.

who am I talking about? Ever heard of Wafuasi theatre Group?I bet no, that is if you come from outside Voi Or Taita Taveta County.
The financially struggling group with great potential to compete with "ogaaaaaaas" in African Movies or probably Hollywood or Bollywood have attracted not only the attention of the Governor of Taita Taveta but also  of the Deputy president of Kenya Hon William Ruto!!!!
Amazing!!! right?i gotta be kidding?Naaaaaaa believe you me, true this.

The governor of Taita Taveta County was the first among the County leaders to express his joy to the group that has for the first time in film history of the County represented the County well both nationally and internationally.

"I want join the people of  Taita Taveta in Celebrating Talents that have given us fame not only in Kenya, But in East Africa.Pongezi sana to the wafuasi theatre Group for bagging THE BEST FEATURE FILM AWARD-HIDAYA in the riverWood Awards 2016 Edition.Truly you are the pride of #County006 and#GVN006 joins in celebrating with you i this milestone.Congratulations once again" Updated the Governor on his official Facebook and twitter accounts.

The governor also confirmed to one of the groups high profile member of a call from the presidents office "Hongera Wafuasi group..I even got a call from DP's office telling me how well you guys performed.Keep it up"
From reliable sources, It is now rumored that the County Government is organizing a grand homecoming party for the heroes and heroines.
I wish wafuasi Theatre Group all the best in their future is the limit guys!!!!