Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Bahati is Back with Visa!!

Bahati drops Hits after hits and just like his name,the boy will go places.
 He just dropped his new Hit Visa and yea,not the usual songs from him but again good job.The song sounds good,serious,The message is heavy.
i dont know how his fans will react to it,but i for one, i like it a little bit,am yet to get used to it,this is one of those song that might not hit immediately,but with time,and it will stay for a long time too.
I do not expect it to be an immediate hit,if it does then it will sure surprise me,but i know it will be loved with time.
Listen to visa here:-https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gus6Ot1G16E

Bahati is a gospel hit maker who has sung several hits, like Barua which has been one of the gospel songs that has been played in almost all radio and tv stations Listen to Barua here:-

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