Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Wale Wale by Shalo B ft Heavy G

Shalo B.

So been getting my footing on several issue then start working on local artists,you know those artists from home?and i went to you tube searched random names and i stumled on this nice so......can i be honest kabisa?this song can play on Radio,in the car but on TV,it will be a tall order,the Concept and quality Shalo B.
I Know you will get there because men,the song gets to me,Please please work on improving your videos dear friend,invest in some dancers next time we have some from Voi those who won OBO Awards or get the Rich Beggers from Taveta,either way,your video will get richer.
i like it though,and you think i am kidding about Taita Taveta having amazing aratists? here is the song by Shalo B.
Wale Wale by Shalo B ft Heavy G

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