Friday, July 25, 2014

Barnaba with Wahalade.

Baranaba,wooow,he just released his video Wahalade and I like it,the style beautiful.A bit creative and on point.
The beat is zuku sort of too,and the video is superb.
The voice is good,bottom line Barnaba has talent,those vocals,mmmmh,strong n magical.
This is a different Barnaba, with a new song in a new style,so so nice.
Loving the song,hoping it will hit.
Listen to Wahalade by Barnaba here:-

Barnaba is a musician who has been doing well in the Bomgo industry with a song like Magubegube,a hit i love,listen to magubegube:-.
He also came with the famous hit Bembelezwa which am to is still a classic,a hit i have loved for years.This is the song that told me that Barnaba was here,and he was in the music scene to stay.Listen to Bembelezwa by Barnaba:-
The song that made Barnaba well known is Wrong number,wooow,this song was a hit,it hit in East africa,it was just an amazing song by Barnaba and Linah.It was just an amazing song and it still is,Listen to it below:-  

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