Friday, July 18, 2014

Temba amechanganywa.

MH Temba.
Temba has just dropped a new song, Nawachanganya by him featuring Bobby Mapesa and Nyota Ndogo,the song is upbeat typical beautiful Kenyan song, I would say this song would be loved by Kenyans,It will hit in clubs, Radio stations and tv stations in Kenya,its a good move if Temba is looking for Kenyan loyalty, question is, will Tanzanians love the song? Tanzaniana have a way of embracing their own and if its foreign its either south African or Nigerian, Kenyan, not well received.
Too early to decide i guess,we wait and see,maybe they will love it because its by one of their own. 
Nyota Ndogo.

Anyway, lets wat and see how well the song will be received bottom line,the song is good  and  danceable 

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